Support for Affinity Groups



Interpersonal violence (sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, and harassment) can impact anyone regardless of age, race, gender, class, sexual orientation, ability status, strength, etc.

Our advocates acknowledge that those with marginalized identities are likely to experience this type of harm and violence at an increased rate. Our advocates employ a trauma-informed, equity, and justice-driven lens to their work and offer client-centered services to survivors.


Students who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ are more likely to experience gender violence, discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of abuse. CAPE is here to help.

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BIPOC Survivors

Sexual violence against BIPOC individuals has been used to perpetuate racism and colonialism throughout the history of the United States.

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Significant numbers of men endure gender violence, and often have a harder time getting help due to social stigma and internalized shame around seeking support.

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International Students

Language barriers, unfamiliarity with US culture, lack of local support systems, prejudice, and discrimination lead to increased risk of gender violence and greater difficulty seeking help for international students.

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Military sexual trauma (MST) is rampant, affecting as many as one in four female service members. Significant numbers of men are also affected, and all veterans can face special challenges seeking help.

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People with Disabilities

The risk of being assaulted as an adult with developmental disabilities is up to ten times higher than average. These individuals can also face greater challenges reporting incidents and receiving help.

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