Student Health Advisory Council

We are relaunching our Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) for 2024-25!

SHAC provides the Health & Counseling Center (HCC) with direct student input on relevant topics/issues, operations, and student experiences, all to support ongoing improvement of student health and well-being campus resources.

This includes feedback on specific HCC programs and services, administrative processes (eg scheduling, billing, etc), the Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP), and broader campus initiatives. Members may also be invited to participate in HCC hiring interviews, attend virtual and/or campus events, and other opportunities.

Council members will learn about HCC operations and a range of health and wellness topics, and meet a number of HCC leaders and staff--making the experience useful for those interested in healthcare and health administration careers, and/or just being a better informed health consumers.

While not representatives of the HCC, we hope that Council members will share their learnings with peers, increasing positive well-being awareness and behaviors across our campus communities.


Relaunch details

To those ends, below are the initial plans for SHAC, which may evolve:


  • Maximum 12 students--each eligible for HCC services, in addition to HCC Sr Project Manager (convener) and the SAIE Assistant Vice Chancellor for Health & Wellness.
  • Minimum 1 Law student (given unique academic calendar) plus 2 other graduate/professional students, AND 3 undergraduate students. Aim is to have roughly equal numbers of graduate/professional and undergrad students overall.
  • Representatives from a minimum of 6 DU schools/colleges, with preference for range of representation rather than having multiple representatives from the same school/college.
  • Members must commit to a full academic year (remainder of year for 2024-25), as information provided and insights requested will be cumulative. Students must attend the bulk of scheduled meetings to maintain membership.

In exchange, members:

  • Know they’ve contributed to continuous improvement of HCC and campus well-being resources
  • Gain valuable knowledge, networking, and campus leadership experience for resumé, grad school and job applications
  • Receive a $50 stipend per meeting attended, paid at end of quarter.

Interested students will apply online, below. HCC staff will select the initial slate, with current members helping select student members for successive years.



  • Held at least 4 times per quarter, based on current members’ schedules, to maximize participation. (Relaunch year will not have fall meetings.)
  • Fall meetings will be scheduled for 60minutes, with Council deciding whether to have fewer but longer meetings in winter/spring, toward same minimum 4 hours per term (and stipends scaled accordingly).
  • There may be some pre-/post- reading/response work for members outside meetings.


Members 2024-25

  • Cathy C, Law

  • Hari K, College of Professional Studies

  • Arianna L, CAHSS

  • Shivani N, GSPP

  • Kali R, NSM

  • Courtney R, MCE

  • Wahida S, CAHSS + NSM

  • Lily S, GSSW

  • Kiley T, CAHSS

  • Shane T, MCE

  • Rae W, GSPP

  • Keely W, CAHSS + NSM


To Apply

Applications have closed for the 2024-25 year.

Stay tuned for 2025-26 applications, which will open by early May 2025.



Contact HCC Sr Project Manager