Mental Health

Mental health — an umbrella term encompassing our emotional, psychological, and social well-being — is a growing concern on college campuses. One in four college students has a diagnosable mental health condition, and 90% of students report sometimes feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities. When we feel overwhelmed, it can affect how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.

For an anonymous, online Mental Health screener, click HERE.

Mental Health at DU

The University of Denver participates in the American College Health Association's National College Health Assessment every three years. The following are findings from the spring 2019 assessment.

  • DU students consistently rate depression, anxiety, and stress within the top five factors that affect their individual academic performance.
  • 70% of DU students rated their overall levels of stress as higher than average or "tremendous."
  • 90% of DU students reported feeling overwhelmed by their responsibilities.
  • 88.5% of DU students reported feeling mentally exhausted.

To address these challenges, DU provides a number of programs and resources aimed at supporting and strengthening our students' mental health, including licensed professional Counseling Services at the DU Health & Counseling Center, as well as our Student Outreach & Support programs and referral system. Choose a card below for even more resources and information on mental health care.

Stress Management

Dealing with stress is one of the most common mental health challenges faced by college students.

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Suicide Prevention

Recognizing the warning signs of suicide, along with knowing when and how to intervene, can help all of us work together to prevent tragedy.

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For Parents & Family

The DU Health & Counseling Center provides a range of mental health services and opportunities for your student, as well as helpful tips and info on having difficult or awkward conversations.

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Mental Health First Aid

Identify. Understand. Respond.

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues. MHFA Certification is available to all DU staff, faculty, and students at no cost. 


Mental Health Resources Outside of DU

The DU Health & Counseling Center maintains a list of links to third-party mental health resources you may find helpful.

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