Holiday Hellos

Holiday Hellos Nov-Dec 2024
Holiday Hello January 2025 c
Feb 2025 Holiday Hello
March 2025 Holiday Hello


There is no single complete list of all religious and spiritual holidays-- in part because of the line between spiritual and cultural days, and in part because of the vast number of traditions, denominations, and regional approaches. Here are some holy days this term, and check out our growing list of Holiday Hello sheets below!

See Lewis University's interfaith list of days for the 24-25 academic year & this list from timeanadplace

Want to add a holiday we missed? Just email!

Holiday Hellos Gallery

Holiday Hellos are fun fact sheets aimed at helping us all learn a bit more about our neighbor's' spiritual and religious traditions. You can find Holiday Hellos on this page for a growing list of holidays (and other spiritual and religious rituals, festivals, objects, prayers, foods, and celebrations). Have a recommendation for an edit on an existing Holiday Hello sheet, or ideas about additional sheets? Please let us know at