Student Organizations

College isn't just about the classes you take; it's about discovering who you are, figuring out what you're interested in, and gaining like-minded friends and colleagues along the way. That's why DU hosts more than 100 student-run organizations. From backpacking to board games, science to spirituality, finance to Fraternities & Sororities, club sports, arts, honor societies and so much more, you'll find an amazing array of opportunities to get involved. If you can't find the organization of your dreams, don't worry—we'll show you how to start it yourself!

Undergraduate Students

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    Find & Join an Organization

    Go to CrimsonConnect, click the checkbox next to the group you're interested in and click the blue "Join" button. A group officer will get in touch.



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    Start an Organization

    You'll need a constitution that clearly articulates your mission, as well as three officers, seven additional undergraduate student members, and a faculty or staff advisor.

    Register Your New Organization

Graduate Students

DU Students Take Charge

Undergraduate Student Government (USG)

The USG is a board of student leaders dedicated to bettering the DU undergraduate experience through advocating for student interests, funding organizations, coordinating with campus partners, and representing undergraduates in all matters of student life.

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Graduate Student Government (GSG)

The GSG is a council of all the Graduate Student Associations (GSAs) at the University, working to foster a sense of community among graduate students, and then representing that community and its interests at DU.

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DU Programming Board (DUPB)

DUPB is the official DU student social events organization, programming fun, free and inclusive events for students throughout the year. With over 100 members, DUPB is responsible for traditional school events, May Days and Winter Carnival, as well as smaller events like Trivia Tuesdays.

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Joint Council

Joint Council consists of representatives from various identity-based student organizations involved in and dedicated to promoting diversity, Inclusive Excellence, and/or social justice.

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USG Diversity Committee

The USG Diversity Committee serves to provide resources, support, and programming for students, faculty and staff dedicated to diversity and inclusion; to create opportunities for personal and professional development; and to amplify student voices while promoting campus unity.   

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