Ivy Desai
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
What I do
As a 5 month-old Bernedoodle, I still have lots to learn about being a canine-assisted therapy dog however I've made so much progress in my short life. I can sit, stay, come, lay down and look at you with cute puppy dog eyes. Sometimes I'm still mischievous but I'm working on saving that for play time outside the office. I enjoy pets, giving kisses, eating treats, and being all-around cute and sweet. I may be a little shy at first but I warm up very quickly especially when my dad, Anand Desai, is with me and hands people treats to give me (which he does a lot).
Professional Biography
I am in my first month of training to be a canine assisted therapy dog. I'm hoping to progress fast so that I can help provide a calming presence for you very soon!