How do I request Winter Break Housing?
Residents must submit a request for winter break housing via the Housing Portal. Residents approved for winter break housing will remain in their current housing assignments. Residents not approved to remain on campus during winter break will not have access to any residential building during this period.
How much does Winter Break Housing cost?
Residents staying on-campus during Winter Break will be charged a flat Winter Break Housing fee of $1820. This fee covers the entire winter break period. It would only be reduced/pro-rated if a resident fully checks out of their housing assignment and submits a Contract Breakage Request before January 7, 2024. This amounts to approximately $39 per night. This includes students who live in an apartment.
Is there any financial support if I cannot afford winter break housing?
Yes. In the Winter Break Application, you can indicate that you have financial need, and you can apply for a Winter Break Fee Reduction or Waiver. You must upload documentation from Financial Aid that supports your financial need.
What happens if I only need housing for a portion of winter break?
You will still be initially charged the $1730 Winter Break Housing fee, but you can submit a Winter Break Contract Breakage Housing Request when you have left for the remainder of the break. Your fee will then be prorated, or adjusted for the time you stayed to when you submitted your Contract Breakage Request. You will then be prorated (charged a nightly rate) through the date you submit your breakage request.
Once you submit your breakage request, you will lose access to your building, so you should submit your breakage request as you leave.
What if I miss the deadline to request winter break housing?
You can still submit a request, but you will be assessed a $50 late fee. It may take up to 72 hours before your request is reviewed.
What happens if my winter break housing request is not approved?
Students not approved for winter break housing must move out at the end of the fall quarter.
Do I have to move rooms if I am staying over winter break?
No! Students approved for Winter Break Housing will stay in their current assignment.
Do I have to remove my belongings if I am not staying for winter break?
It depends. If you return for the winter quarter, you do not need to remove your belongings for Winter Break. Please be sure to take any belongings that you may need for the Break. You must remove your belongings if you are not returning for the winter quarter.
Will I be able to have guests during winter break?
It depends. You cannot have guests not a part of the DU community or students who haven't been approved for winter break housing.
Will there be food options during winter break?
Most dining facilities are closed during winter break. Residents will have access to a community kitchen.
Can I get mail over winter break?
We often see delivery issues during winter break and strongly encourage students not to ship packages or mail. If we do receive packages, students will receive a notification. DU and HRE are not responsible for packages not received.