Living Communities

Affinity Housing Communities and Living & Learning Communities

Affinity Housing and Living-Learning Communities (LLCs) at DU act as dynamic platforms for students and their families, fostering a collective dedication to enriching the college experience. They are intentionally crafted to support smooth academic and social transitions during the college journey. Aligned with DU Impact 2025 and Housing & Residential Education’s Core Values, our vision is for these vibrant communities to play a crucial role in student success. By promoting educational equity through increased student learning, persistence, retention, and degree attainment, we aim to create an environment that aligns with the aspirations of both students and their families.

Affinity Housing

Affinity Housing provides a unique opportunity for college students to live together, bonding over shared cultural, organizational, or personal identities. Unlike other housing options, there's no required linked academic course or curriculum, allowing students the freedom to shape their experience. The focus is on fostering a strong sense of belonging within a co-created community. This housing option is perfect for students who want to contribute to or immerse themselves in a living experience centered around a specific interest. Families, take note: participation in certain campus programs may also lead your student to be assigned to Affinity Housing!

Living & Learning Communities (LLCs)

Living & Learning Communities (LLCs) represents a collaborative partnership between academic and student affairs, providing college students and their families with a unique residential experience with a linked academic course. Within these communities, a cohesive cohort of students live together, immersing themselves in a specialized topical area. LLC participants actively contribute to a thoughtfully designed residential community, engaging in a credit-bearing academic course centered around their chosen topic. Ideal for students keen on living alongside peers who share a passion for a specific area of interest, LLCs offer an enriching environment where living and learning harmoniously come together.

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  • Affinity Housing Communities

    Find out which Affinity Housing communities you can join!

    All-Gender Communities

    All-Gender Community aligns with Housing & Residential Education's (HRE) Diversity Statement and creates a living environment for DU students of all orientations, identities, and expressions. This also includes LGBTQ+ allies. The All-Gender Community is a popular choice for students who seek roommates or suitemates outside of the traditionally gendered binary and acknowledges that identities exist on a spectrum. Two residential communities host an All-Gender Community: Dimond Family Residential Village (DFRV) and Nelson Hall.

    Collegiate Recovery Community

    Collegiate Recovery Community Recovery housing is made possible through a partnership between the Collegiate Recovery Program and the Office of Housing & Residential Education. Recovery Housing is on-campus housing intended specifically for students in recovery from substance use who would be best served by a community that is dedicated to a supportive recovery lifestyle. Priority for this community will be given to those applicants who demonstrate a dedication to their recovery and the recovery of others. If available spaces are not initially filled with those who meet these priority criteria, then students impacted by family members with an SUD, are dedicated to a substance-free lifestyle, and seek to be involved with the Collegiate Recovery Community as allies will be considered.


    This living community is an option for students admitted to the University Honors Program. While not required for first-year Honors students, living on the Honors Floor is a way to connect with a community of academically-focused peers. Historically, about half of Honors Program students elect to live on the Honors Floor.

    Pioneer Leadership Program (PLP)

    PLP is a transformational learning experience that combines coursework, a residential community, civic engagement, and professional networks to equip 21st-century citizen leaders. Through the study and practice of leadership, you will acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to become an effective, collaborative leader in whatever field you choose. As an incoming first-year DU student, you are required to live on campus. PLP allows you to live with 87 other motivated, committed, and like-minded students, stimulating a strong leadership learning community. You will also have access to specially crafted events to learn and build community, including retreats, speakers, dinners, and student-led events.

    Student Inclusion & Belonging and E-STEM

    The Student Inclusion and Belonging (SIB) & E-STEM floor is designed for 1GENU, Davis New Mexico, Volunteers in Partnership (VIP), Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (E-STEM), and Excelling Leadership Institute (ELI) Scholars. By living in a community with others who share many interests and identities, scholars on the SIB and E-STEM floor can lead and craft a shared housing experience, receive additional support from mentors, and build lasting friendships with others in their scholar cohorts.

  • Living & Learning Communities (LLCs)

    Find out which LLCs you can join!

    Environmental Sustainability

    Environmental sustainability has included work to conserve natural resources and support healthy ecosystems. This LLC explores important local and regional environmental and ecological topics, including climate change, global energy issues and water in the West, to identify ways to work together for a more just and regenerative future.

    Global Mental Health

    Working together to reimagine a world where communities thrive means paying attention to mental health. This LLC draws on global mental health perspectives to support students to build the knowledge and skills needed to collaborate and advocate for mental health initiatives – locally and globally.

    Racial Justice

    Working for racial justice means coming together to understand the past and reimagine the future. This LLC supports students in developing the knowledge and skills that are needed to become effective change-agents who are ready to respond to inequities and work towards justice.

    Social Change

    Social change takes knowledge and skills along with a belief in the power of working together for a common purpose. This LLC explores social movements and change strategies through a lens of equity and justice to prepare students to collaborate for the public good.