AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services

AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services (SDS) in Your Dean of Students Office oversees all student-related ADA accommodations for the University.  An example of an ADA accommodation is extended time to complete tests or testing in a different environment. 

AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services (SDS)

  • How do I get accommodations at DU?

    Students must complete three steps to obtain accommodations at DU: 

    1)  They must provide documentation,

    2)  Schedule a time to meet with an accommodation specialist.

    The meeting (Step 3) between the student and the accommodation specialist is an interactive process where the student and SDS engage in a good-faith effort to articulate and understand barriers and grant accommodations to ameliorate those barriers.

    Students provide documentation by uploading it to the Accommodate Portal, completing the Request for Accommodation form and scheduling a time to meet with an accommodation specialist.

  • What documentation do I need for accommodations?

    Students must coordinate with their current treatment provider to obtain appropriate documentation.  It is most common for students with learning disabilities or ADHD to submit psychoeducational testing. Please note per OCR (Office for Civil Rights), an IEP may not be sufficient for granting accommodations. Documentation may be in the form of diagnostic testing or a letter of support from the current, treating healthcare provider.  Supporting documentation must include the following information:     

    • Submitted on formal letterhead from the treating provider  
    • Include the treating physician's signature and license number 
    • All documentation must be submitted in English 
    • Within a relevant time frame
    • Include a formal diagnosis  
    • All documentation requires the following elements:    
      • Disability/Diagnosis   
      • Functional limitation(s) based on objective evidence 
      • The need for accommodation(s) based on objective evidence    

    For further details, see the SDS Documentation Guidelines

  • How do I send my letters of approved accommodations (LOAA) to my faculty?

    The way that students communicate their accommodations to professors is by sending them through the Accommodate Portal.

    You can find instructions on sending your LOAAs on our Student How To page

    During the Academic Year, SDS holds Drop-in Hours to support students with sending LOAAs and answering general questions. You can find our office hours on the main SDS webpage

  • How do I sign up for tests & quizzes?

    SDS hosts office hours and a staff member will help you with this.  SDS Office Horus are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11-1 in Driscoll South, Lower Level, Suite 22.

    Students must register through the Accommodate Portal five days before a quiz or test.

    For final exams, students must register ten days in advance.

    How to Schedule a Test or Quiz in the Testing Center

  • How do I use my assistive technology?

    Common assistive technology (AT) accommodations include notetaking support and alternate format text/text to speech. 

    When a student is approved for notetaking support, they should make an appointment with Caroline Newcomb, our Assistive Technology Specialist. The best way to make an appointment is via the Accommodate Portal, but for general questions Caroline can be reached at 303-871-4465 or You can also learn more about Jamworks, our notetaking support assistive technology, on our Jamworks help page


    Students approved for alternate format text/text to speech will use Kurzweil 3000 to have PDFs and Word documents read aloud. Please navigate to the next section in this list to learn more about these technologies and the processes for getting your readings in an alternate format. 

  • How do I get my textbooks to work with a screen reader or text-to-speech?

    Typically, students with reading comprehension difficulties or visual challenges request alternative format text. Once you have been granted an accommodation for alternative format text, our Alternate Format Text Manager, Naomi Savas, will reach out to you to schedule an appointment. You also email Naomi at Below, you can find additional information about Kurzweil 3000 and requesting your textbooks in an alternate format. 

    Kurzweil How To page

    Requesting textbooks and course readings in alternate formats

  • How do I contact SDS?

    Directly contact your Accommodation Specialist


    Phone: 303-871-3241

    Location: Driscoll Center South, Lower Level, Suite 13 and 22

    Downstairs from the Bookstore and Community Commons Bridge, On the same level as the ID Card Office

    Drop In Hours: Come in to speak with a staff member during SDS Drop In Hours.


  • Where is SDS?

    Driscoll Center South, Lower Level

    Suite 13 and 22

    Downstairs from the Bookstore and Community Commons Bridge

    On the same level as the ID Card Office

  • Where are SDS policies?

    All of our policies are contained in our SDS Student Handbook.

  • Is there a deadline for requesting housing accommodations or an ESA?

    Yes, SDS follows Housing and Residential Education’s (HRE) housing application deadlines. Students requesting ADA accommodations for housing which includes single bedrooms or Emotional Support Animals must follow HRE and SDS’s housing process and deadlines simultaneously.

    New Student SDS Housing Deadline: June 1

    Returning Student SDS Housing Deadline:  October 1

  • Where is the accommodate portal?
  • How do I get involved?

    AccessibleDU: Student Disability Services has a Student Advisory Board.

    Please contact Beth Cartwright at 303-871-3241 or if you would like more information or if you would like to participate.