About Us

Student Outreach & Support at the University of Denver helps connect students to support resources. If you or someone you know needs support, please submit an SOS referral, and we'll reach out to the student to find out how we can help.

But we don't just support students; we're here to help make it easier for DU's faculty and staff to support students, too. If you're interested in learning about how you can support students in connecting to resources, or would like training on using the Red Folder, please reach out. We'd love to hear from you, as well.

Learn to help support students

Sign up for an SOS training session

What We Do

  • SOS Referral System

    Manage the SOS referral system for crisis support and behavioral intervention

    Learn More

  • Use a case management framework for proactive and reactive support

    Our process takes into account each individual's circumstances and needs to help deliver effective support during times of crisis.

  • Student support training and consultation

    We provide education for faculty, staff, students and community members on supporting students in navigating challenging situations.

  • Support and care resources

    We create access to resources for students to help them maintain their safety, health, and well-being.

SOS Staff

The team at Student Outreach and Support is available to assist members of the DU student community through personal and financial crises.

Meet Our Staff

SOS Referral System

The SOS Referral system is designed to help faculty, staff and students make informed decisions about how to help an individual experiencing a crisis.

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C.A.R.E. Team

The Crisis Assessment Risk Evaluation (CARE) Behavioral Intervention Team seeks to provide students with a safe, welcoming community experience at the University of Denver.

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Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office serves as a central hub to connect students to supportive campus and community resources to successfully navigate their DU experience.

The DoS Office partners with faculty and staff across campus to best serve our students through advocacy, collaboration and education.

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