
The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities will be responsible for maintaining all official University records related to Student Rights & Responsibilities. A Student Rights & Responsibilities record will include copies of all Cases in which a Student is found responsible for violating at least one Student Rights & Responsibilities policy, as well as copies of all relevant correspondence and other documentation related to the Case.

The policies regarding the retention of Student Rights & Responsibilities records are as follows:

  • The University will maintain Student Rights & Responsibilities files for a period of no less than seven (7) years following the most recent finding of violation and completion of all Outcomes, consistent with the University's obligations under the Clery Act.
  • The University will maintain Student Rights & Responsibilities files of Students who have been dismissed from the University indefinitely.

Institutional Action Letter Request

Release of Records

Members of the University faculty and staff who receive requests from Students or former Students to complete a request for information about Student Rights & Responsibilities records should direct all inquiries to the Office of the Registrar. Purposes for such requests can include undergraduate transfer to another institution; graduate/professional/law school admission; admission to the Bar (by state); and security clearances for employment.

When a Student requests and authorizes the release of information through the online "Institutional Action Letter Request Form", the University will provide a brief statement with an overview of the Student's conduct history. The information released will include the findings, Outcomes, and will indicate whether or not a Student is in good conduct standing.

Pursuant to University Policy, and consistent with FERPA, Students may review their Student Rights & Responsibilities Record in person by making an appointment with the Office of the Registrar or, for a summary, they can complete the online request "Institutional Action Letter Request Form".

The Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities does not release records for alternative resolution processes, such as Medical Amnesty, which are considered internal records for University purposes, through the release of records process unless required by law.