SDS Assistive Technology

Students may use a variety of different assistive technologies and text formats to access their course materials and the DU experience. We are here to support students in learning about these tools!

Assistive Technology Quick Links

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About Assistive Technology

Depending on your accommodations and needs, you may use a variety of different assistive technologies (AT). SDS can support you in learning about and exploring a variety of different technologies that may support you including:

  • Kurzweil 3000
  • Jamworks (Notetaking Support)
  • Built-in dictation software
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver
  • Duxbury
  • Tiger Designer 
  • Juliet Pro Braille Embosser
  • ViewPlus Rogue Embosser

Make an appointment with our Assistive Technology Specialist, Caroline Newcomb, or come by AT office hours Mondays from 11:30am-12:30pm in SDS Suite 13. 


**SDS does not provide hardware or software for personal use. For students who need access to assistive software on personal devices, several options for download or purchase are available. Remember to always ensure that any software you purchase is compatible with your specific hardware and software. There are many variables and sometimes restrictions on files from certain vendors.

Text-to-Speech (Read Aloud) Software

Kurzweil 3000

Kurzweil 3000 is FREE for all DU students, faculty, and staff to use! You can check out our Kurzweil How To page for more information, tips, and tricks.

  • Kurzweil 3000 is a web-based text-to-speech software that can read aloud Word documents and PDFs. 
  • To sign up for Kurzweil

Speech-to-Text (Dictation) Software

Built-in Dictation Features

Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Apple Pages all have built in dictation features. Macbooks have a comprehensive built-in dictation as part of their standard software. 


Jamworks is an AI notetaking support platform. With Jamworks, you record your lectures, and Jamworks will create:

  • AI generated notes
  • AI generated summary
  • AI generated audio highlights
  • A full transcription of the recording
  • Study tools based on the recording. 

It is a slick all-in-one platform  available to students who have been approved for the notetaking support accommodation. Check out our Jamworks How To page to learn more!

Executive Functioning Tools

Some individuals with disabilities struggle with executive functioning. There are a wealth of resources out there to support you, but sometimes it can be hard to narrow them down! Most of these tools are free, and you are welcome to purchase a subscription to any you might wish. Play around and find what is best for you!

Magic ToDo: Goblin Tools

Goblin tools can is a collection of tools designed to help neurodivergent folx with tasks they find overwhelming or difficult: 

  • break down any task into manageable steps
  • detect the tone of an email
  • make your emails more formal
  • estimate how long a task will take you. 

Habitica is a productivity app that helps you form habits and increases productivity by gamifying your tasks. 



Forest is an app that supports your focus. Whenever you want to stay focused, you plant a tree. Staying focused for the amount of time you set allows your tree and forest to grow. 


Tomato Timer or Pomofocus

Both of these web apps use the Pomodoro method of time management. 



I-Connect is system that supports self-monitoring for self-advocacy, academic engagement, and pro-social behaviors. 


Mindfulness Apps

There are a variety of mindfulness apps out there! Here are a few popular ones:


Screen Readers

If you are a screen reader user, DU can help you get access to JAWS, NVDA, Windows Narrator or Apple VoiceOver.


Accessible Course Content/Alternate Format Text

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About Alternate Format Text

Alternate Format Text (AFT) is text that can be read aloud with text-to-speech technology or a screen reader, is in braille, or similar formats. 

SDS's AFT department supports students with the AFT accommodation. Students can request Alternate Format Textbooks or Canvas content for their courses using the Alternate Format Request Form.   

Faculty who receive a Letter of Approved Accommodation (LOAA) for a student with the Accessible Course Content/Alternate Format Text accommodation get get support in making their course readings accessible by completing the Alternate Format Request Form

Students: Request Textbooks or Course Content in Alternate Formats

Students with the Accessible Course Content/Alternate Format Text accommodation can request their textbooks and course materials in alternate formats. Remember, you need to purchase your textbook and provide a receipt when you request! Make your request as soon as possible! While we move as fast as we can, it can take up to 3 weeks to procure alternate format copies. If you have any questions, please contact us at


Students, please have the following information available when completing this form:

For Textbook Requests
  • Book title, author, edition (if applicable), and ISBN
  • Course number
  • Proof of Purchase
For Canvas Content Requests
  • Course number and section
  • Instructor name
  • Information about the specific content needed (Week, name of assignment, etc.)

Faculty: What do I do if a student has an Accessible Course Content/Alternate Format Text accommodation?

If you receive a Letter of Approved Accommodation (LOAA) for a student with an Accessible Course Content/Alternate Format Text accommodation, your course readings need to be accessible by text-to-speech (TTS) technology. At DU, we use Kurzweil 3000 as our TTS technology. 

Please fill out the Alternate Format Request Form to get support with making course readings accessible in Kurzweil 3000.