Graduates Students
Graduate Student Orientation
The University of Denver offers a campus-wide New Graduate Student Orientation to support incoming graduate students as they transition to the university. This program is in addition to the individual college and program orientations offered by your respective units.
Graduate Student Orientation 2025 will take place on Friday, September 5, 2025. Information on how to register will be provided via email. The schedule below from 2024 provides a sample of the schedule details. Full detail updates will be provided come April 2025. Feel free to reach out to for any additional questions. We look forward to seeing you!
- Thursday, September 4 from 1-3pm: Graduate International Student Orientation
- Friday, September 5 from 8am-4:30pm: Graduate Student Orientation
Graduate Student Opportunities
The University of Denver hosts many programs for graduate students. Below are a few to be on the lookout for.
- March 31- April 6: Graduate Student Appreciation Week
- Friday, April 4: Graduate Admitted Student Day (on-campus option)
- Friday, April 11: Graduate Admitted Student Day (virtual option)
Graduate Student Orientation Schedule 2024
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Event | Location |
International Graduate Student Orientation 1:00pm-3:00pm | Community Commons, Grand Forum, 1700 |
Friday, September 6, 2024
Event | Location |
Graduate Program Specific Orientations, 8:00am-12:00pm | Various |
Check-in & Resource Fair + Lunch, 11:30am-1:00pm Students will check in to Graduate Student Orientation, participate in the resource fair and optional lunch. All registrants will be provided a meal voucher, DU t-shirt, lanyard, and bag. Resource Fair departments include:
| Community Commons, Grand Forum, 1700 |
Welcome Address, 1:00pm-1:45pm
| Sturm Hall, Davis Auditorium |
Breakout Session 1, 2:00pm-2:40pm Impactful Career Resources, Davis Auditorium, 248 Write Your Way Through Graduate School: Resources and Strategies, Sturm 151 Stay Well: Wellness and fitness opportunities at DU, Sturm 281 How to ADA at DU: Learn about Student Disability Services, Sturm 254 Purposeful Pathways: Designing your Four Dimension experience at DU, Sturm 251 Transition Break (10mins) | Various |
Breakout Session 2, 2:50pm-3:30pm Graduate Research: Library Resources and Supports, CANCELLED (Session presentation will be posted in coming weeks) Write Your Way Through Graduate School: Resources and Strategies, Sturm 248 Community Engaged Scholarship as a Graduate Student: Support, Resources, and Strategies from CCESL, Sturm 281 How to ADA at DU: Learn about Student Disability Services, Sturm 254 Purposeful Pathways: Designing your Four Dimension experience at DU, Sturm 251 | Various |
Graduate Multicultural Reception, 3:00pm-4:30pm Various options for graduate students to mingle and connect with affinity groups or other new graduate students | Community Commons, Suite 1200 |
First Ascent Check-in & Departure, 3:30pm Graduate students participating in First Ascent must check in. Bring your items for the weekend. The bus departs promptly at 4pm. | Community Commons, Gallery, Room 1001 (across from Starbucks) |