Requesting Accommodations for the First Time

The steps required to request accommodations from SDS are simple and straightforward! The sooner you submit your request and supporting documentation, the sooner we can approve your accommodations and ensure they will be in place when you need them. Read on to find more information about the steps to begin the accommodation request process.


Requesting Accommodations for the First Time: Your Roadmap

icon of a student wearing a backpack.

The Accommodations Request Process

You may have requested accommodations before, or this might be a new experience for you. Regardless, we are here to support you through this process. Follow the steps below to begin the accommodation request process today!

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Step 1: Complete and Submit the Request for Accommodation Form

Using the form linked below, let the SDS know about specific disabilities and how they could affect your participation in the DU community. Specify which accommodations you are seeking now, as well as any you may have used in the past.

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Step 2: Submit Supporting Documentation

You can add your documentation directly to the request form linked in step 1! All requests for accommodation require qualifying documentation to support your claim of disability. This includes requests to have assistance animals accommodations. Please see the Documentation Guidelines section below for more information.

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Step 3: Engage in the Interactive Process

Shortly after you submit your request, a member of our office will reach out to schedule a meeting. It is important to check your DU email during this time! During this meeting, our team member will get to know you more and support you through the accommodations review process. They will also inform you of any next steps that you will need to take. 

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Step 4: Stay in Touch

You are responsible for sending your LOAAs to your faculty each quarter. 


If you are having difficulty with an accommodation, or if any issues arise, please reach back out to SDS!

a medical provider taking notes

Provider Documentation Guidelines

SDS Documentation Policy

Students must coordinate with their current treatment provider to obtain appropriate documentation.  It is most common for students with learning disabilities or ADHD to submit psychoeducational testing. Please note per OCR (Office for Civil Rights), an IEP may not be sufficient for granting accommodations. Documentation may be in the form of diagnostic testing or a letter of support from the current, treating healthcare provider.  Supporting documentation must include the following information:      

  • Submitted on formal letterhead from the treating provider   

  • Include the treating provider’s signature and license number  

  • All documentation must be submitted in English  

  • Within a relevant time frame 

  • Include a formal diagnosis   

  • All documentation requires the following elements:     

  • Disability/Diagnosis    

  • Functional limitation based on objective evidence  

  • The need for accommodation(s) based on objective evidence     

We have a template letter that you may wish to share with your provider when requesting documentation from them. 


Guidelines Specific to Emotional Support Animals

In an effort to better assist students requesting emotional support animal (ESA) or assistance animals accommodation in the residence halls, the University has developed separate guidelines for ESA documentation:

These guidelines are based on the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD) best practices for documentation.

Law Students

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Law Students and Accommodations

Your first point of contact can be either SDS or the Sturm College of Law Student Affairs office, which serves as a liaison to SDS for law students who have disabilities. Once approved for accommodation(s) through SDS, law students will work with their Student Affairs office to coordinate the implementation of most accommodations.

What to Expect From Us

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Confirmation Email

After submitting a request, you will receive a confirmation email from the SDS at your DU email address within four (4) business days. If you have not received a confirmation email by then, please email us to let us know.

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Scheduling an Appointment

Once we have received your completed request form and all required documentation, we will contact you within ten (10) business days to schedule an appointment.

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Meeting with an Accommodation Specialist

An Accommodation Specialist will meet with you to get to know you more and support you through the accommodations review process. They will also inform you of any next steps that you will need to take, including sending LOAAs to your faculty members. 

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Additional Questions?

If you ever have any additional questions or concerns, you can always email us at our main inbox, or email your accommodation specialist directly.