Incidents: Resources

We believe that knowledge of resources deeply impacts a student’s experience on campus in moments of discrimination, oppressive actions, safety threats, and other incidents. Bookmark this webpage as a collection of campus resources to come back to or send to a friend if incidents happen. Please note multiple students who experience incidents (even if the same one) should all fill out the forms. If the form language or structure becomes too much to fill out and becomes a barrier, the staff in the office can connect to talk about what happened and take notes for you. These meetings can also be held with multiple people or a person to support you in reporting. These forms are a way to have the university support your rights as a student by reporting and formally activating intervention processes. If you have questions or want to offer edits or suggestions for this list, please send them to  


NOTE: The Cultural Center does not oversee any of these resources nor reads any of the reports. This page is solely a collection of the different forms and resources for students to have a centralized page of resources.  


Available Resources