We believe that knowledge of resources deeply impacts a student’s experience on campus in moments of discrimination, oppressive actions, safety threats, and other incidents. Bookmark this webpage as a collection of campus resources to come back to or send to a friend if incidents happen. Please note multiple students who experience incidents (even if the same one) should all fill out the forms. If the form language or structure becomes too much to fill out and becomes a barrier, the staff in the office can connect to talk about what happened and take notes for you. These meetings can also be held with multiple people or a person to support you in reporting. These forms are a way to have the university support your rights as a student by reporting and formally activating intervention processes. If you have questions or want to offer edits or suggestions for this list, please send them to TCCinfo@du.edu.
NOTE: The Cultural Center does not oversee any of these resources nor reads any of the reports. This page is solely a collection of the different forms and resources for students to have a centralized page of resources.
If you experienced, witnessed or have received a report of discrimination, harassment and gender-based violence please complete the following Incident Report to the best of your ability. A member of the Equal Opportunity staff will be in contact with you to follow up on your concern. If you prefer to talk directly with a member of their office, you can call at (303) 871-7016, or email titleIX@du.edu or equalopportunity@du.edu.
Student Outreach & Support (SOS) helps students succeed by connecting them to resources, developing a plan of action to meet their goals, and navigating challenging situations. Whether you're in need of support yourself or know someone who needs the office’s services, please get in contact with us them as soon as possible. Check out the types of studentsupports here: https://studentaffairs.du.edu/student-outreach-support/types-student-support
Student Rights & Responsibilities (SRR) addresses incidents where the Honor Code and/or University policies are broken by all University of Denver students, including undergraduate and graduate students. The Student Rights & Responsibilities process is responsible for upholding the community values and promoting opportunities for holistic student living, learning, and growth. Please complete this form to report a potential violation of the Honor Code and/or University Policies.
Please complete this form to report a concern that a student’s behavior is affecting your sense of safety and/or if the classmate is impeding the ability of others to engage in learning. Reports are reviewed on a daily basis, Monday-Friday, and outreach should be made within 24 business hours.
In certain cases, a student can choose to appeal their grade for a course. The appeal has to be based on problems of process and not on differences in judgment or opinion concerning academic performance. Grade appeals have to be filed within 45 calendar days after the grade was officially published. The burden of proof rests on the student (so make sure to document course issues with screenshots and saved emails) to demonstrate that one or more of the following occurred:
The grading decision was made on some basis other than academic performance and other than as a penalty for academic misconduct.
The grading decision was based upon standards unreasonably different from those which were applied to other students in the same course and section.
The grading decision was based on an unreasonable departure from previously articulated standards.