Q&A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Below are some frequently asked questions about our Q&A Training programs. For other campus-wide resources, visit the DU Pride Portal.
I want to request a Q&A training for my office, class or organization. What should I do?
1. Determine what date and time you'd like to have the training (minimum of 2 hours in length).
2. Complete the brief online request form at least 2 weeks prior to your desired training date.
We will then work with you and our cohort of Q&A facilitators to coordinate a training date and time.
Once the schedule is settled, it is the responsibility of the host group to secure an appropriate space, handle publicity to group members, etc. (As you know what is convenient to your cohort, often already have familiar space available, etc.)
3. After the Training, you should continue to engage the issues and take action for creating an inclusive learning/working environment!
How can an individual get trained, not as part of an existing class, office or organization?
We offer open trainings each quarter for individuals to attend out of their own interest. Check our Workshops page for information on upcoming trainings. (If none are listed there, then none are yet scheduled! We rely on volunteer facilitators, and must coordinate their schedules with campus space availability--an ongoing process.)
I went through both levels of the Q&A training. I'm still interested in learning more. Can Q&A help me?
Yes. There is no formal curriculum beyond Level 2; however Inclusion & Equity Education offers individual and group consultations for those interested in continuing the dialogue. We and campus partners also offer and sponsor a variety of informative workshops, presentations and other resources online and on campus throughout the year. Finally, interested individuals can also be trained as Q&A Training facilitators, offered occasionally. Check our homepage for upcoming events.
I went through a DU SafeZone training in/before 2006. Does that count as Q&A training? Can I be added to the Q&A network?
No. The DU Q&A curriculum has been rewritten and expanded to include more topics and information that were not part of the earlier SafeZone curriculum. Because staying current and involved are important parts of the Q&A Network, even Network members have to renew their commitment annually by participating in some educational development related to LGBTQ+ topics. To show your commitment, stay current and re/connect with some other Allies, please join us for an upcoming Q&A Training!
I want to be part of the Q&A network, but I don't want/need any additional training. Can I just join?
No. To ensure that all members have the same baseline of current information everyone must complete Q&A Trainings Levels 1 & 2 in order to join the Network. The Trainings are a great opportunity to share and expand your knowledge, and to connect with others passionate about equity --all core purposes of the Network and of Allies overall.
As part of the Q&A network, will I be providing counseling?
No. Members of the Q&A Network ARE NOT trained as counselors or mental health professionals. They can provide general information, and refer to campus resources. Individuals considering formal, therapeutic work should contact the DU Health & Counseling Center, GSPP or Morgridge clinic, or other area health professionals.
I am part of the Q&A network and I'd like to be trained as a facilitator for Q&A trainings.
Check our Workshops page for upcoming Q&A Facilitator Trainings (if scheduled, they're posted!), or contact our office.
Still have questions? Please email us.