DU DialogUes

***DU DialogUes is currently on hiatus and will be relaunching soon, stay tuned!

One of SJE's focal areas is building skills and providing opportunities for positive interaction across difference-- ie, dialogue. With campus and community partners, we're piloting a range of events, programs and other resources, including those below.


Rooted in decades of research and practice, these models gather small groups for multiple sessions of facilitated conversations, allowing you to build relationships, reflect on your individual and collective experiences, and increase understanding and collaboration. 


Building on past events and programs (such as Voices of Discovery co-curricular dialogues and our FORWARD facilitator training), we have partnered with Conflict Engagement & Resolution Initiative (CERI), DU Community + Values Initiative, and the Sustained Dialogue Campus Network to bring several dialogue models to DU. Rooted in decades of research and practice, these models gather small groups of students for sessions of facilitated conversations, allowing participants to build relationships, reflect on their individual and collective experiences, and increase understanding and collaboration around critical DEI issues.

In concert with other SJE programs, DU DialogUes provides students with personal, professional and community development opportunities as we meaningfully engage one another to increase mutual understanding around current events, salient identities, and complex issues.

To learn more:

Program Offerings

  • Dialogue Series

    The most impactful dialogues are those lasting more than a single session, as more time together allows for stronger relationships and deeper exploration of issues. Therefore, sustained dialogues are our ideal involvement for all affiliates.

    Check CrimsonConnect upcoming events!

  • Courses (for-credit)

    Check out this Spring 2023 course, including dialogic practices: www.du.edu/community-values/COMN-2040-Inclusive-Community 

    While DU DialogUes is not directly involved, SJE does support the major project (Langar@DU), and many partners.

    More than 150 students participated in our for credit, undergraduate dialogue courses, through Communication Studies. Kudos and thanks to students, facilitators and instructors who helped us pilot this new offering!

    COMN 2000: Identities in Dialogue
    These small classes were offered 2017-2021, and integrated readings, activities, reflective writing, and facilitated dialogue to connect theory and lived experience across our intersectional identities, and culminate in a collaborative project.

    The course fulfilled:

    and as general elective for most other programs!

    We're now exploring additional undergraduate and graduate level participant and facilitator course options. Stay tuned!

    While these are the only for-credit dialogue experiences at the moment, students may be able to participate in some of our other programs as part of other courses (as projects or extra credit). Our staff may also be able to serve as or work with site/field supervisors for experiential learning, independent study, or other credits through your academic program. Please check with your instructor or program for what credit possibilities are available, and contact us well in advance to discuss.

  • Facilitation Trainings

    Approximately 250 students, staff, faculty and alumns have participated in past trainings, creating a broad network of active campus DialogUers.

    A wonderful personal and professional development opportunity in its own right, we do ask that applicants be committed to applying their learning through active participation in campus dialogue opportunities after being trained. Facilitators are invited to support campus dialogue opportunities, ongoing skills practices, and resources through our Facilitator Community (Teams e-platform, enewletter, etc).

    While there is no cost for DU affiliates to attend, participants must attend the entire scheduled sessions, usually a full weekend. (There is no short-cut to strong facilitation!) Meals and materials provided.

    We conducted fall 2022 and spring 2023 training weekends; stay tuned for future opportunities!

We are also working with partners to expand learning and use of dialogic practices across campus: orientation and residence hall community-building, restorative justice, and more. Stay tuned!


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